Friday 14 September 2012

Rescued by the Fire Brigade and getting wet.

Monday morning did not start well, when we got in to the lift to go down to the ground floor to go out for the day we joined a lift with only six other people in it but as we descended more and more people got in at every stop to the point that everyone in the lift knew that it was more than full, so when it made its last stop we told the large American lady not to get in but having forced her way in the doors closed behind her and the lift set off for the ground floor however when it stopped it was unable to open its doors so we tried to go down to the basement but the doors still would not open. We were now unable to go up down or open the lift doors in response to our emergency call the hotel staff tried to override the system to get us back to a floor but were unsuccessful so they let us know that an engineer had been called, at this point the lift is very uncomfortable with so many bodies in it and one young girl was getting very upset. We know that Esme is not very happy using lifts but she kept very calm and tried to help calm down the other girl. We then got the message that the Fire Department had been called and would be there shortly. True to the promise we soon heard the voices of the Firemen outside the lift and in a few minutes they had the doors open and helped everyone out of the lift it was only six or eight inches below floor level but obviously far enough for the safety systems to stop the doors opening. The Fire brigade counted eighteen people in the lift, so after the forty minutes we had been stuck we were able to get on with the day. We took the bus tour of the Uptown area which started off well enough until we started to leave Harlem when the first few drops of rain were felt, by the time we were passing the Guggenheim museum it was absolutely pouring with rain and despite being provided with ponchos we were getting very wet so eventually back to the hotel and in to the lifts to go and get dry before heading off to more lifts to go up the Empire state building. In the evening we took the night tour to see the New York sky line from Brooklyn and other vantage points.

Our Rescuers

one much happier little girl

Columbus circle

Who says it only rains in England

From the top of the Empire State building

Its a bit breezy up here

My attempt at the nightime sky line from a moving bus

and a proffesional version

Brooklyn bridge

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